Imagine you find yourself in the middle of your neighborhood on a brisk October night. The sky is dark, the moon is full. Trick-or-treaters descend upon the land like a swarm of insects. Drawn by the mesmerizing force of candy, the children proceed down the road in droves, giving no thought to anything but the next few houses.
But some break the spell. They have a strategy. They sprint to the nicer section of the neighborhood where they give out full-sized candy bars. Next, they prioritize the streets that pass out the goody bags stuffed with chocolates. Then they race to the courts where adults have gathered around a fire pit, leaving their candy bowls on table for kids to “take a few” from each.
Is one of these approaches similar to how you collect data in your organization?
When it comes to data, not having a strategy is like being a trick-or-treater who doesn’t prioritize which houses to visit at the start of the evening.
True, at the end of the night, everyone has candy, but . . . those with a strategy will feast on an abundance of premium chocolates, king-size Hershey bars, and bags of M&Ms. Meanwhile, kids without a plan must sift through many more hard candies and Bit-O-Honeys before they find those delicious bite-size candy bars.
At Onebridge, we want you to reap the rewards of a solid data strategy. To help you, we’ve written a whitepaper that spells out how to develop a data strategy so you can stop chasing one-off data projects as they come, with no sense of where you’re headed.

Download the Data Strategy whitepaper, and we’ll walk you through:
- What a data strategy is and why it’s so crucial.
- Guiding principles to follow as you create your strategy.
- How to actually build and implement a roadmap.
- The urgency of creating a data strategy.
- An example of a data strategy done right.
No matter where you stand, you can move to a state where everyone on your team has access to the right data at the right time to make better decisions. Take a look, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have because, unlike a trick-or-treating strategy, a data strategy is a necessity.