How to Maintain Data Quality in Your Organization

How to Maintain Data Quality in Your Organization

The Data Management Book of Knowledge (DM-BOK) defines data quality management as:

“…managing data through its lifecycle by setting standards, building quality into the processes that create, transform, and store data, and measuring data against standards.”

In other words, data quality is about ensuring data is correct, relevant, and useful for the purpose it's being used for. Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate insights, faulty decisions, and inefficient operations, which can ultimately hurt an organization's bottom line. This white paper explores what data quality really means and why it’s essential for your organization to make informed decisions.

Download "How to Maintain Data Quality in Your Organization" and we'll walk you through:

  • How to think about Data Quality
  • The Value of Master Data Management
  • The Power of Profisee for MDM and Data Quality

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